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IEEE Fellow、TIE主编、西班牙塞维利亚大学Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授暑期访问威尼斯欢乐娱人城官网3328并做学术报告

作者:cae     审核人: 访问量:220发布时间:2017-09-06

2017年7月19日,应威尼斯欢乐娱人城官网3328副院长阮新波教授邀请,IEEE Fellow、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(TIE)主编、西班牙塞维利亚大学Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授来威尼斯欢乐娱人城官网3328进行交流访问。


当天下午,Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授首先参观了多电飞机电气系统重点实验室和江苏省新能源发电与电能变换重点实验室,并对我系在航空电源、高效电能变换技术、航空起动/发电等方面的研究成果给予了高度评价。


7月20日上午,在南航江宁校区电气楼学术报告厅,Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授做了题为“The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage-Source Inverters in the Past, Present, and Future Power Electronics”的学术报告。会议由威尼斯欢乐娱人城官网3328副院长阮新波教授主持,电气系90多名师生参加了学术报告会。Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授首先其研究团队在风力发电、太阳能光伏发电、智能电网、波浪发电、高压直流传输系统等领域中高性能电力电子变化器的研究成果。随后,对功率变换器的拓扑结构、调制方法、驱动信号的产生方法、控制策略等方面进行了系统介绍和展望。报告结束后,Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授与参会师生针对报告内容进行了热烈讨论。


Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授目前担任TIE国家电气领域顶级期刊主编。学术报告结束后,他又给大家做了题为“Hints for successful research publication An Industrial Electronics Perspective”的报告。首先详细介绍了TIE期刊的情况。其次,介绍了撰写国际顶级期刊论文的的研究论文的技巧。最后针对师生们提出的问题给予了详细的解答,并与部分师生代表拍照留念。

   Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授简介:Leopoldo G. Franquelo (M’84–SM’96–F’05) was born in Málaga, Spain. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, in 1977 and 1980, respectively. His research interests include modulation techniques for multilevel inverters and application to power electronic systems for renewable energy systems. Dr. Franquelo has been an IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Distinguished Lecturer since 2006. He became an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS in 2007, the Co-Editor-in-Chief in 2014, and has been its Editor-in-Chief since 2015. He was a Member-at-Large of the IES AdCom (2002–2003), the Vice President for Conferences (2004–2007), and the President Elect of the IES (2008–2009). He was the President of the IES (2010–2011) and is an IES AdCom Life member. He has received a number of Best Paper Awards from IEEE journals. In 2012 and 2015, he was the recipient of the Eugene Mittelmann Award and the Antohny J. Hornfeck Service Award from IES, respectively.















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