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学术报告:美国奥本大学 (Auburn University)电气及计算机工程学院Eduard Muljadi教授——Renewable Energy Generation - Challenges and Opportunities

作者:cae     审核人: 访问量:218发布时间:2018-06-04






题目: Renewable Energy Generation - Challenges and Opportunities


内容简介:Renewable energy has been at the forefront of Power System expansion for the past few decades.  However, the nature of renewable energy is different from the familiar conventional power plants.  Despite of progresses made in the past few years, integrating renewable generation has many challenges.  Fortunately, the same level of innovations has been made in the area of supporting technologies as well, that enables us to find breakthroughs and opportunities to integrate higher levels of renewable energy penetration into our grid.  This presentation presents an overview of decades of renewable energy development, deployment, and grid integration.


报告人简介:Eduard Muljadi (M'82, SM'94, F'10) received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison. He was a faculty at the California State University, Fresno (1988-1992). From 1992-2017, he worked at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO.  And, in January 2018, he joined Auburn University in Auburn, AL, as the James J. Danaher distinguished professor.  His research interests include electric machines, power electronics, and power systems, and renewable energy.  He is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, a fellow of the IEEE, and an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. He is member of various subcommittees within the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS), Power Electronics Society, and Power and Energy Society (PES). He is currently the chair of Renewable Energy Machines and Systems within the PES. He holds patents in power conversion for renewable energy.

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