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作者: 审核人: 访问量:11619发布时间:2018-09-06
姓名: 胡海兵 性别: 职务:
职称: 教授 导师类别: 博士生导师 办公室:
研究领域: (1)电力电子系统集成
电话: Email: huhaibing@nuaa.edu.cn

胡海兵,威尼斯欢乐娱人城官网3328教授,博士生导师。1995 年毕业于湖南工业大学、获工业自动化专业学士学位,2003 年和2007 年分别毕业于浙江大学、获电力电子与电力传动专业硕士和博士学位,2007 年5 月至今在威尼斯欢乐娱人城官网3328从事电力电子与电力传动领域教学科研工作,其中2009 年3 月-2012 年2 月在美国中佛罗里达大学作博士后研究。在访问期间,主要从事与NASA合作的用于高效、高功率密度的能量管理的集成三端口电路研究,美国能源部(DOE)资助的微型并网三相逆变器研究,以及与美国微型逆变器厂商Petra Solar合作研究开发宽输入范围的高效隔离型DC/DC变换器。研究兴趣包括电力电子系统集成、电力电子装置数字控制、功率变换器的拓扑及建模和新能源发电变换技术。近年来完成教育部博士点基金项目1项、主持国家自然基金项目面上项目2项,江苏省自然基金项目1项,江苏省产学研项目1项,参与国家自然基金项目2 项,完成10余项企业合作的横向课题。获得国防科技进步三等奖1 项,拥有发明专利5项,美国发明专利1 项;发表SCI/EI收录论文90余篇。



[1]. Haibing Hu*; Wenxi Yao; Zhengyu Lu; “Design and implementation of Three-Level Space Vector PWM IP core for FPGAs”; IEEE Trans. Power Electronics. Vol.22; No. 6 Nov. 2007; pp.2234-2244.


[2]. Wenxi Yao; Haibing Hu; Zhengyu LU; Comparisons of Space-vector Modulation and Carrier-based Modulation of Multilevel Inverter; IEEE Trans Power Electronics. Vol.23; No. 1 Jan. 2008; pp.45-51.


[3]. Haibing Hu*; Wisam Al-Hoor; Nasser Kutkut; Issa Batarseh; Z. John Shen. “Efficiency Improvement of Grid-tied Inverters at Low Input Power Using Pulse Skipping Control Strategy”. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics. Vol.25; No. 12 Dec. 2010; pp.3129-3138.


[4]. Ming Hua; Haibing Hu; Yan Xing; Zhongyi He . “Distributed Control for Asynchronous Motor Drive Inverters in Parallel Operation”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.Vol.58;no.12; Dec.; 2011;pp.5361-5370.

[5]. Hongfei Wu; Runruo Chen; Junjun Zhang; Yan Xing ; Haibing Hu; Hongjuan Ge. A family of Three-Port Half-Bridge Converters for a Stand-Alone Renewable Power System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; 2011; 26(9): 2697-2706.


[6]. Haibing Hu*; Souhib Harb; Xiang Fang; Dehua Zhang; Qian Zhang; Z. John Shen; Issa batarseh “A Three-port Flyback for PV Micro-Inverter Applications with Power Pulsation Decoupling Capability “. IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics; Vol.27;No.9; Sept. 2012;pp.3953-3964.

[7]. Haibing Hu*; Wei Shi; Ying Lu; Yan Xing . “Design Considerations for DSP Controlled 400Hz Shunt Active Power Filter in an Aircraft Power System” . IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics. Vol.59; no.9;Sept. 2012;pp.3624-3634.

[8]. Xiang Fang; Haibing Hu; John Shen; Issa Batarseh “Operation Mode Analysis and Peak Gain Approximation of the LLC Resonant Converter”. IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics. Vol.27; no.4;April; 2012; pp.2285-2296.

[9]. Ming Hua; Haibing Hu; Yan Xing; Guerrero; J.M . Multilayer Control for Inverters in Parallel Operation Without Intercommunications. IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics.Vol.27; no.8;Aug. 2012;pp.3651-3663.

[10]. Kai Sun; Runruo Chen; Haibing Hu;Yan Xing . "Full-bridge three-port converters with wide input voltage range for renewable power systems." Power Electronics; IEEE Transactions on 27.9 (2012): 3965-3974.


[11]. Haibing Hu*; Harb Souhib; Nasser Kutkut; Issa Batarseh; John Shen .“ A Review of Power Decoupling Techniques for Micro-inverters with Three Different Decoupling Capacitor Locations in PV Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.28; no.6; June; 2013; pp.2711-2726.

[12]. Haibing Hu*; Harb Souhib; Nasser; Kutkut; Issa; Batarseh; John Shen.“ A Single-stage Micro-inverter Without Using Electrolytic Capacitors”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol.28; no.6; June; 2013; pp.2677-2687.

[13]. Haibing Hu*; Xiang Fang; John Shen; Issa Batarseh;“A Modified High-Efficiency LLC Converter with Two Transformers for Wide Input Voltage Range Applications”; IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol.28; no.4; April; 2013; pp.1946-1960.

[14]. Xiang Fang; Haibing Hu*; Lin Chen; Utsav Somani; Auadisian Emil; John Shen; Issa Batarseh;“Efficiency Oriented Optimal Design of the LLC Resonant Converter Based on Peak Gain Placement”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol.28; no.5; May; 2013; pp.1985-1995.

[15]. Qian Zhang; Haibing Hu; Dehua Zhang; Xiang Fang; Z.John Shen; Issa Batarseh; A Controlled-Type ZVS Technique Without Auxiliary Components for the Low Power DC/AC Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; 2013; 28(7): 3287-3296.


[16]. Haibing Hu; Xing Y; “Design considerations and Fully Digital Implementation of 400Hz Active Power Filter for Aircraft Applications” .IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol.61;no.8 Aug. 2014;pp.3823-3834.

[17]. Amirahmadi A. ; Haibing Hu ; Grishina A. ; Qian Zhang ; Lin Chen ; Somani U. ; Batarseh I. “Hybrid ZVS BCM Current Controlled Three-Phase Microinverter “. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol.29; no.4;April; 2014; pp.2124-2134.

[18]. Lin Chen; Haibing Hu; Qian Zhang; Ahmadreza Amirahmadi; Issa Batarseh “Boundary Mode Forward-Flyback Converter with Efficient Active LC Snubber Circuit” .IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.29; no.6; 2014.pp:2944-2958.

[19]. Hongfei Wu; Peng Xu; Haibing Hu; Zihu Zhou; and Yan Xing; “ Multiport Converters Based on Integration of Full-Bridge and Bidirectional DC–DC Topologies for Renewable Generation Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.Vol.61;no. 2; FEBRUARY 2014;pp.856-869.

[20]. Li Zhang;Kai Sun;Haibing Hu;Yan Xing A system-level control strategy of photovoltaic grid-tied generation systems for European efficiency enhancement[J]. Power Electronics; IEEE Transactions on; 2014; 29(7): 3445-3453.

[21]. Amirahmadi;A. ; LinChen ; Somani;U. ; HaibingHu ;Kutkut;N.; Bartarseh;. High Efficiency Dual-Mode Current Modulation Method for Low-Power DC/AC Inverters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; 2014; 29(6): 2638-2642.


[22]. 胡海兵; 祁才君; 吕征宇. 一种基于非同步采样的 FFT 算法[J]. 中国电机工程学报; 2005; 24(12): 13-17.

[23]. 胡庆波; 胡海兵; 吕征宇. 全数字伺服系统中电机转子初始定位的方法 ①[J]. 电力系统及其自动化学报; 2005; 17(4).


[24]. 胡海兵*; 胡庆波,吕征宇. 基于粒子群优化的PID伺服控制器设计,浙江大学学报(工学版),Vol.40(12),2006,pp.2144-2148.

[25]. 杭丽君; 胡海兵; 吕征宇; 等. 基于电力电子标准模块的高速智能通讯网络拓扑[J]. 中国电机工程学报; 2006; 26(20): 50-56.

[26]. 胡庆波; 胡海兵; 吕征宇. 一种应用于全数字伺服系统中电机转子初始定位的方法[J]. 电气自动化; 2006; 27(6): 18-20.


[27]. 姚文熙;胡海兵;徐海杰等. 三电平六相同步电机变频调速技术研究,中国电机工程学报,2007,Vol.27(18);pp.1-6.

[28]. 姚文熙;胡海兵;徐海杰等;一种基于三电平矢量调制波的多电平调制方法. 电力系统自动化,2007.Vol.31(7);pp.50-55.


[29]. 胡海兵*,姚文熙,江辉鸿,邢岩,吕征宇. 任意路通用PWM波形发生器的设计,电工技术学报,Vol.23(12),2008,pp.115-119.

[30]. 胡海兵*;吕征宇;钱照明. 浮点协处理器设计及其在电力电子数字控制平台中的应用,中国电机工程学报,Vol.28(3).2008;pp.29-34.

[31]. 胡海兵*,姚文熙,吕征宇. n电平空间矢量算法的优化及其硬件实现,电子学报,Vol.36(12),2008,pp.2357-2362.

[32]. 姚文熙; 吕征宇; 胡海兵. 三电平 H 桥级联逆变器载波移相脉宽调制方式[J]. 浙江大学学报 (工学版); 2008; 42(8).

[33]. 姚文熙; 吕征宇; 胡海兵; 等. 多相同步电动机中压变频调速装置系统集成[J]. 电工技术学报; 2008; 23(2): 44-48.


[34]. 胡海兵;姚文熙;吕征宇 三电平空间矢量调制的FPGA实现,电工技术学报,Vol.25(5),2010,pp.116-122.


[35]. 吴红飞; 邢岩; 胡海兵; 等. 副边调整式三端口半桥 DC-DC 变换器[J]. 中国电机工程学报; 2011; 31(30): 1-6.

[36]. 石巍; 胡海兵*; 邢岩; 卢盈. 基于多分辨率控制算法的400Hz有源电力滤波器. 中国电机工程学报,2011;31(3):47-51.


[37]. 华明; 胡海兵; 邢岩; 等. 逆变器多层控制无线并联技术[J]. 中国电机工程学报; 2012; 31(36): 33-39.

[38]. 华明; 张岳明; 胡海兵; 等. 一种软起动电源系统及其逆变器的无线并联控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报; 2012; 32(6): 40-46.

[39]. 吴红飞;张君君; 陈润若;邢岩;胡海兵;葛红娟. 同步整流式三端口半桥变换器[J]. 中国电机工程学报; 2011; 31(33): 37-43.

[40]. 张犁;胡海兵;冯兰兰;吴田进;邢岩.模块化光伏并网系统欧洲效率优化控制方法. 中国电机工程学报; 2012; 32(9): 7-13.


[41]. 胡海兵*;王万宝;孙文进;丁顺;邢岩,LLC谐振变换器效率优化设计,中国电机工程学报,2013,33(18):48-56.

[42]. 胡海兵;黄宵驳;王万宝;吴红飞;邢岩; 具有功率解耦功能的三端口反激式单级微型光伏逆变器; 中国电机工程学报,2013;33(12):47-54.

[43]. 胡海兵;吴红飞;刘薇;邢岩.一族有源钳位正激变换器[J], 电工技术学报,2013,28(12):245-261.


[44]. 魏涛;胡海兵;陆道荣;吴红飞. 输入输出电流连续的非隔离直直变换器[J],浙江大学学报(工学版),2014,48(10):1901-1908

[45]. 王万宝;张犁;胡海兵;邢岩. 单相半桥三电平并网逆变器中点电压不平衡机理及其均压控制策略[J],中国电机工程学报,2014;34(6):839-845.

[46]. 黄宵驳;胡海兵. 并网逆变器闭环控制带宽对死区效应的抑制[J];威尼斯欢乐娱人城官网3328学报,2014;16(1):87-91.

 会议论文

[47]. Feng Cao ; Junjun Zhang ; Hongfei Wu ; Haibing Hu ; Yan Xing ; Xudong Ma;” A dual-input Boost-Buck converter with coupled inductors for TEG applications ” Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2013 IEEE ; pp: 2020 – 2025.

[48]. Xiaoqing Qin ; Haibing Hu ; Hongfei Wu ; Yan Xing ; Xudong Ma;” A series-input forward converter with shared RCD cell for high-reliability and wide input voltage range applications”. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2013 IEEE ; pp: 154 – 158

[49]. Fang; Xiang; Hu; Haibing; Chen; Lin; Amirahmadi; Ahmadreza; Shen; John; Batarseh; Issa;” Operation analysis and numerical approximation for the LLC DC-DC converter” Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE . pp.870-876

[50]. Xiang Fang ; Haibing Hu ; Shen; J. ; Batarseh; I. An optimal design of the LLC resonant converter based on peak gain estimation. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE . Page(s): 1286 - 1291

[51]. Wei Liu ; Hongfei Wu ; Yanbing Xia ; Haibing Hu ; Yan Xing; An interleaved series input RCD reset forward converter for wide voltage range application. Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA); 2012 7th IEEE Conference. Page(s): 775 - 780

[52]. Grishina; A. ; Haibing Hu ; Dehua Zhang ; Amirahmadi; A. ; Shen; J. ; Batarseh; I.; A new quasi resonant DC link for single phase micro inverter. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE); 2012 . pp: 3221 - 3225

[53]. Zhang; Dehua; Zhang; Qian; Hu; Haibing; Grishina; Anna; Shen; John; Batarseh; Issa; High efficiency current mode control for three-phase micro-inverters. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE .pp.892-897.

[54]. Souhib Harb; Haibing Hu; Nasser Kutkut; Issa Batarseh; Z. John Shen; “A Three-port Photovoltaic(PV) Micro-Inverter with Power Decoupling Capability” . IEEE-APEC 2011

[55]. Dehua Zhang; Qian Zhang; Grishina; A.; Amirahmadi; A.;Haibing Hu; Shen; J.; Batarseh; I.; A comparison of soft and hard-switching losses in three phase micro-inverters. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2011 IEEE ;pp.1076-1086

[56]. Lanlan Feng; Li Zhang; Yan Xing; Haibing Hu; Kai Sun; Decoupling control for transformerless grid-connected inverters in parallel operation. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE ;pp.1552-1556

[57]. Kejiu Zhang; Wu; T.; Haibing Hu; Zhijun Qian; Chen; F.; Rustom; K.; Kutkut; N.; Shen; J.; Batarseh; I.; Analysis and design of distributed transformers for solar power conversion. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE

[58]. Li Zhang; Haibing Hu; Lanlan Feng; Yan Xing; Hongjuan Ge; Kai Sun; A weighted efficiency enhancement control for modular grid-tied photovoltaic generation system. IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society . pp.3093-3098

[59]. Zhijun Qian; Abdel-Rahman; O.; Zhang; K.; Haibing Hu; Shen; J.; Batarseh; I.;” Design and analysis of three-port DC/DC converters for satellite platform power system” Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2011 IEEE pp.1454-1460

[60]. Ming Hua; Haibing Hu; Yan Xing; Guerrero; J.M.; Multilayer control for inverters in parallel operation without signal interconnection. IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp.3180-3185

[61]. Haibing Hu; Qian Zhang; Xiang Fang; Shen; Z.J.; Batarseh; I.;” A single stage micro-inverter based on a three-port flyback with power decoupling capability” Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2011 IEEE ; pp.1411-1416

[62]. Haibing Hu; Xiang Fang; Qian Zhang; Shen; Z.J.; Batarseh; I.; Optimal Design Considerations for a Modified LLC converter with wide input voltage range capability suitable for PV applications. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2011 IEEE ; pp3096-3103.

[63]. Batarseh; M.G.; Shobaki; E.; Xiang Fang; Haibing Hu; Batarseh; I.; New Digital Control Technique for Improving Transient Response in DC–DC Converters. Digital System Design: Architectures; Methods and Tools (DSD); 2010 13th Euromicro Conference on pp.793-796.

[64]. Haibing Hu; Wei Shi; Ying Lu; Yan Xing; “Design and implementation of fully digital-controlled 400Hz active power filter for aircraft applications”. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2010 IEEE . pp.4223-4229

[65]. Zhijun Qian ; Abdel-Rahman; O. ; Haibing Hu ; Batarseh; I.A zero-voltage switching four-port integrated DC-DC converter.Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC); 32nd 2010 International .pp:1-8.

[66]. Haibing Hu; Xiaodong Ding; Tao Xue; Wenxi Yao and Zhengyu Lu. A Simple Method for Configuring Multi-PWM Channels for Multi-Level Converter Applications Based on PWM IP Core. 25th IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition; APEC10; Palm Springs; CA; USA. pp.519-524.

[67]. Haibing Hu; Wisam Al-Hoor; Nasser Kutkut; Issa Batarseh and Z. John Shen. Efficiency Improvement of Grid-tied Inverters at Low Input Power Using Pulse Skipping Control Strategy. 25th IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition; APEC10; Palm Springs; CA; USA. pp.627-633.

[68]. Haibing Hu; Wei Shi; Jianren Xue; Ying Lu and Yan Xing. A Multi-resolution Control Strategy for DSP Controlled 400Hz Shunt Active Power Filter in an Aircraft Power System. 25th IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition; APEC10; Palm Springs; CA; USA. pp. 1785-1791.

[69]. Haibing Hu; Souhib Harb; Nasser Kutkut; Issa Batarseh and Z. John Shen. “Power Decoupling Techniques for Micro-inverters in PV Systems-a Review”. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition; 2010 IEEE; Atlanta; GA; USA. pp. 3235-3240.

[70]. Zhijun Qian; Abdel-Rahman; O.; Haibing Hu; Batarseh; I.; “An integrated three-port inverter for stand-alone PV applications” Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2010 IEEE : pp1471-1478

[71]. Zhijun Qian; Abdel-Rahman; O.; Haibing Hu; Batarseh; I.; “Multi-channel three-port DC/DC converters as maximum power tracker; battery charger and bus regulator” Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE” .pp: 2073 - 2079

[72]. Batarseh; M.G.; Shobaki; E.; Haibing Hu; Batarseh; I.; Iannello; C.; “Dynamic DC ramp shift digital control technique for improved transient response” Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition; 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE . pp 3536-3543

[73]. Siri; K.; Willhoff; M.; Haibing Hu; Batarseh; I.; “High-voltage-input; low-voltage-output; series-connected converters with uniform voltage distribution” Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition; 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE

[74]. Ming Hua; Haibing Hu; Yan Xing; Zhongyi He; Decoupled control of inverters in parallel operation for AC motor drives Industrial Electronics; 2009. IECON '09. 35th Annual Conference of IEEE ; pp.1069-1073

[75]. Haibing Hu; Wenxi Yao; Yanxing; Zhengyu LU. A Generalized Algorithm of n-level Space Vector PWM Suitable for Hardware Implementation; PESC08; Rhode; Greece; pp.4472-4478.

[76]. Haibing Hu; Wenxi Yao; Zhengyu Lu. Rapid construction of a 100kW three-level inverter for Synchronous Motor based on a universal digital platform; software building blocks and PEBBs; APEC2007; USA;pp.427-431.

[77]. Haibing Hu; Qingbao Hu; Zhengyu Lu. A simple repetitive controller embedded in PI-based UPS for reducing total harmonic distortion with nonlinear loads; PESC2006; Korea; pp.1-5.

[78]. Yao Wenxi ; Hu Haibing ; Zhengyu; L. ; Xu Haijie .Research on Three-level Inverter of Six-phase Synchronous Motor. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference; 2006. IPEMC 2006. CES/IEEE 5th International . pp: 1 - 5

[79]. Haibing Hu; Tianjun Jin; Wenxi Yao; Zhengyu Lu; Zhaoming Qian. A Universal Digital Platform and Software Library for Power Electronic Systems Integration; IPEMC2006;Shanghai;China;pp.127-131.

[80]. Haibing Hu;Tianjun Jin; Xianmiao Zhang; etal. A Floating-point Coprocessor Configured by a FPGA in a Digital Platform Based on Fixed-point DSP for Power Electronics; IPEMC2006;Shanghai; China; pp.1183-1187.

[81]. Qingbo Hu; Haibing HU; Zhengyu Lu. A Novel Method for Dead-time Compensation Based on SVPWM; APEC2005;AUSTIN; USA;pp.1867-1870.

[82]. Haibing Hu; Qingbao Hu; Zhengyu Lu;Dehong Xu. Optimal PID Controller Design in PMSM Servo System Via Particle Swarm Optimization; IECON 2005,Carolina,USA,pp.79-83.

[83]. Xiang Fang;Haibing Hu;Lin Chen;Amirahmadi; A.;Shen; J.;Batarseh; I.;"Operation analysis and numerical approximation for the LLC DC-DC converter." Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE. IEEE; 2012.

[84]. Xiang Fang;Haibing Hu;Shen; J.;Batarseh; I.;An optimal design of the LLC resonant converter based on peak gain estimation[C]//Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE. IEEE; 2012: 1286-1291.

[85]. Wei Liu; Hongfei Wu;Yanbing Xia;Haibing Hu;An interleaved series input RCD reset forward converter for wide voltage range application[C]//Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA); 2012 7th IEEE Conference on. IEEE; 2012: 775-780.

[86]. Harb; S.;Haibing Hu;Kutkut; N.;Batarseh; I.;Harb; A.; A three-port photovoltaic (PV) micro-inverter with power decoupling capability[C]//Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE. IEEE; 2011: 203-208.

[87]. Tao Wei;Yu Fubin;Haibing Hu. A family of non-isolated DC/DC converters capable of continuous input and output current flows suitable for aerospace applications[C]//Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific); 2014 IEEE Conference and Expo. IEEE; 2014: 1-5.

[88]. Somani; U.;Jourdan; C.;Amirahmadi; A.;Grishina; A.;Haibing Hu;Batarseh; I.. Phase skipping control to improve light load efficiency of three phase micro-inverters[C]//Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC); 2014 Twenty-Ninth Annual IEEE. IEEE; 2014: 2944-2949.

[89]. Lili Zhu;Hongfei Wu;Peng Xu;Haibing Hu;Hongjuan Ge.A novel high efficiency high power density three-port converter based on interleaved half-bridge converter for renewable energy applications[C]//Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2014 IEEE. IEEE; 2014: 5085-5091.

[90]. Fubin Yu;Tao Wei;Haibing Hu.Design and implementation of energy management system for aerospace application based on FPGA[C]//Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific); 2014 IEEE Conference and Expo. IEEE; 2014: 1-4.

[91]. Wenjin Sun;Hongfei Wu;Haibing Hu;Yan Xing Design considerations and experimental evaluation for LLC resonant converter with wide battery voltage range[C]//Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific); 2014 IEEE Conference and Expo. IEEE; 2014: 1-6.

[92]. Xiaoqing Qin;Haibing Hu;Hongfei Wu;Yan Xing;Xudong Ma. A series-input forward converter with shared RCD cell for high-reliability and wide input voltage range applications[C]//Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); 2013 IEEE. IEEE; 2013: 154-158.



1.面向中高压电网应用的波形合成型双向AC/DC变流器基础理论研究 国家自然基金面上项目 2016.1-2019.12

2.高效率,长寿命并网光伏微型逆变器关键技术研究 国家自然基金面上项目 2012,1-2015,12

3.基于谐波注入的双向AC/DC中高压变流器关键技术 ,江苏省产学研项目 :2015.7-2017.6

4.新能源系统中高能效、低成本的三端口变换器基础研究,江苏省自然基金, 2012.7-2015.6


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